RedVector ST-0175

Smart Leadership: Part 1 - What Leaders Do

Smart Leadership: Part 1 - What Leaders Do

1.5 hrs. Online Course

Level: Intermediate

Item#: ST-0175

SME: James Kouzes and Barry Posner

Average Rating

4 20
Extraordinary results can occur in an otherwise ordinary setting, and the objective of this course is to help you to create the conditions that lead to those results. Leadership development is ultimately self-development, and this series of SmartTeam courses will help you meet that daily challenge. Leadership is not the private reserve of a few charismatic men and women – it is a process that ordinary people use when they are bringing forth the best from themselves and others. This series will inspire you to create a workplace that rejoices in celebration and encourages the best efforts from everyone.
This interactive online course introduces the five practices of exemplary leadership – model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. It sets the stage for the remaining courses in the series and uses actual case examples from real people who have achieved remarkable success. You’ll also find out what four qualities – from among 225 traits – people consistently look for in a leader they would willingly follow. This course series is adapted from the extensively researched and highly respected book, The Leadership Challenge, by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. It is recommended that you take this course before attempting later courses in the series.
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course you will be able to:
  • List the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
  • Define the characteristics that people most admire in their leaders
  • Name the Ten Commitments of Leadership
  • Describe leadership as a relationship
  • Discuss why credibility is the foundation of leadership
SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT: James Kouzes and Barry Posner
James  Kouzes and Barry Posner Photo
Jim Kouzes is chairman emeritus of the Tom Peters Company, a professional services firm which specializes in leadership development. He's also an executive fellow in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University.

Barry Posner is Dean of the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University, located in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Jim and Barry co-authored The Leadership Challenge: How to Keep Getting Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations, which is now in its third edition (2002) with over one million copies in print. The Leadership Challenge, available in eleven languages, has been a selection of the Macmillan Executive Book Club and the Fortune Book Club. It's the winner of the 1989 James A. Hamilton Hospital Administrators' Book, the 1995-96 Critics' Choice Award, and was a BusinessWeek bestseller in 2001. Jim and Barry have also co-authored Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It, which was chosen by Industry Week as one of the ten best management books of 1993. Encouraging the Heart and The Leadership Challenge Planner were released in 1999. Based on solid research involving over 70,000 surveys, 1,000 written case studies, and 100 in-depth interviews, these books describe the leadership principles and practices that generate high performance in individuals and organizations.
Course Reviews (20)
I learned a lot from taking this course
By on Apr, 23, 2024
I learned a lot from taking this course.
By on Nov, 10, 2024
Great training
By on Oct, 25, 2024
Great training
I believe this course should be taken before someone is put in a leadership position and take it again every year as a refresher
By on Sep, 24, 2024
I believe this course should be taken before someone is put in a leadership position and take it again every year as a refresher.
This course was had great content
By on Jul, 17, 2024
This course was had great content.