RedVector JCOM-40127

Hazardous Waste Essentials

Hazardous Waste Essentials

0.81 hr. Online Course

Level: Fundamental

Item#: JCOM-40127

SME: Mark DiNardo, CSP

This course will provide a foundation for the proper handling and disposal of hazardous waste. A brief summary of the legislative actions that have been put in place in the United States to properly handle hazardous waste will be provided. This course will also provide details on how to conduct a risk assessment for hazardous waste and to prevent pollution.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Define hazardous waste and identify its origins
  • Describe hazardous waste legislation
  • Relate between the Resource and Conservation Recovery Act and the basic Superfund process
  • Explain hazardous waste management in terms of risk assessment and pollution prevention
  • Discuss hazardous waste management in countries outside the U.S.
Mark DiNardo, CSP Photo
Mark earned a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh. He has been a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) since 2010. He also is a Class A/B/C Tank Operator in the state of Pennsylvania. Mark has been a Safety Professional for 16 years including the last 11 years with the Environmental Health and Safety Department at the University of Pittsburgh. As a Hazardous Material and Environmental Compliance Specialist his responsibilities include oversight of high hazard chemical laboratories, chemical risk assessments, chemical spill response, fuel storage tank inspections and safety training. Prior to his work in the safety field, Mark was a chemist in an inorganic industrial laboratory in which he conducted bench scale and pilot studies of industrial wastewater systems. Areas of expertise include chemical safety, spill response and safety training.