RedVector ST-0065AD

Smart Sales 3: Securing Appointments & Advancing the Sale

Smart Sales 3: Securing Appointments & Advancing the Sale

0.5 hr. Online Course

Level: Fundamental

Item#: ST-0065AD

SME: Anonymous

Welcome to part three of this six part course designed to help you develop professional sales skills. This course is designed to quickly give you the basic skills, knowledge, and methods you need to start selling fast. Whether you’re in retail, technology, manufacturing, or services you’ll discover how to start selling like a top professional sales person.
Course Objectives
On completion of this course you will be able to:
  • Discuss how to identify qualified prospects
  • Get an overview diagram of the sales process
  • Discover critical points related to sales process
  • Identify the warning signals of being disconnected
  • Discuss how simple questions help through the sales conversation
  • Explain how to avoid challenges in the sales process
  • List reasons why prospects buy
  • List 10 tips of preparation prior to appointment