RedVector RV-10610

Mold Remediation

Mold Remediation

1 hr. Online Course

Level: Fundamental

Item#: RV-10610

SME: Daniel P. Stih, CMC, CIEC

Buildings inevitably get wet, both inside and out, and they must be allowed to dry or mold will grow in them. This course provides an overview of mold remediation. We will review guidelines on cleaning and remediation methods for clean water damage. We will also cover some possible situations and useful methods or techniques for remediation.
Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the equipment used to assess mold
  • Recall the types of materials that may have to be discarded when contaminated with mold or mold spores
  • List questions to consider before starting remediation
  • Name the suggested cleaning methods for various materials and furnishings
  • Prioritize the steps to mold remediation in HVAC systems
  • Identify the first step in remediating mold in a confined space
  • Differentiate between limited and full containment
  • List techniques for communicating with the building inhabitants
Daniel P.  Stih, CMC, CIEC Photo
As President of Healthy Living Spaces, Mr. Stih inspects residential and commercial buildings to identify building-related sources responsible for complaints and illness, including but not limited to mold.
Stih is the author of the classic, Healthy Living Spaces: Top 10 Hazards Affecting Your Health. Stih has been interviewed on over 100 radio and T.V. shows, world-wide (by satellite). His book became a best-seller on after an interview on 92 KQRS, Minneapolisʼ most listened to morning show.
Stih was hired by Dyson Ltd, as an expert to work with them on a media relations campaign for print, radio and television, providing consumers with tips on how to alleviate allergy and asthma symptoms. He has been media trained by their public relations firm, Ketchum, in their studio in New York.
Stih was hired by the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) to develop and teach designers a course on selecting healthy building materials. Stih taught in Chicago at the 2008 KBIS Kitchen and Bathroom Industry Show and in Kansas City [Indoor Air Quality- Itʼs More than Mold. How to Design & Build Homes that are Green and Healthy].
Mr. Stih, an aerospace engineer, retired from Motorola Inc. and worked in construction before bridging his engineering background with the building sciences to start an environmental testing and consulting company. His company has had offices in three states: Arizona, Oregon and New Mexico. In addition to holding other certifications, Stih is both a Council-Certified Microbial Consultant (CMC) and a Council-Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant (CIEC), Boardawarded by the American Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC).
Stih studied Residential Building Construction at Yavapai College in Prescott, Arizona, with field work building homes for Habitat for Humanity.
Stihʼs experience with microscopy dates back to 1978 when he and his brothers founded Sun Laboratories in the utility room of their parents home.
In 2010 he studied at the McCrone Research Institute in Chicago and holds a certificate for completing the course, Indoor Air Quality: Fungal Spore Identification. From 2012-present Stih has been working with Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) to study and publish papers related to mold. The microscope and standards Stih uses were personally calibrated for him by Los Alamos National Laboratories.
Stih is Green. He has been a speaker at Bio-neers and various green building expos throughout the country. Stih worked as a volunteer for the non-profit, National Coalition for Alternative to Pesticides (NCAP) from 2004 - 2005.
Stih has been a frequent speaker at annual conferences for the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA), Environmental Information Association (EIA) and the Maine Indoor Air Quality Conferences. Presentations have included: Are Green Homes Healthy? What can Go Wrong; and Being Green and Staying Healthy.
In New Mexico Stih is the Chapter Director for the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA).
In addition to his book, Stih has written numerous articles for magazines and newspapers. Stih is a contributing author to, Prescriptions for a Healthy House (New Society Press, 2008).
Stih is considered an expert witness and is called to give his expert opinion in court and in depositions regarding evidence and facts related to mold and other indoor air quality pollutants.
His clients have included state and local governments, municipalities, pueblos, colleges and universities, schools, insurance companies, real estate companies, ski resorts, banks, hotels, health clubs, spas, art galleries, doctors offices, hospitals, shopping malls, restaurants, police and fire stations and the homes of many famous authors, actors, and sports celebrities.
For a list of commercial clients, speeches, papers and publications authored and media appearances (T.V. & radio) please contact and request a C.V.
State Licenses
AK - Engineer (Health, Safety & Welfare - ,)
AL - Engineer (General - ,)
AR - Engineer (General - ,)
DE - Engineer (General - ,)
FL - Building Code Administrator (General - 0610724)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Certified (General - 0610724)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Palm Beach County (General - 0610724)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Pinellas County (General - 0610724)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Contractor, Registered (General - 0610724)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Engineer (General - 0000271)
Accreditation: FBPE Approved Provider 33
FL - Examiner (General - 0610724)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Home Inspector (General - 0610724)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Inspector (General - 0610724)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
FL - Interior Designer (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
FL - Mold Assessors and Remediators (General - 0000177)
Accreditation: FL DBPR Approved Provider 0001771
GA - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
GA - Contractor, Residential and General (General)
GA - Engineer (General - ,)
IA - Engineer (General - ,)
ID - Engineer (General - ,)
IL - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
IL - Engineer, Professional (General - ,)
IL - Engineer, Structural (General - ,)
IN - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
KS - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
KS - Engineer (Health, Safety & Welfare - ,)
KY - Engineer (General - ,)
LA - Engineer (General - ,)
MD - Engineer (General - ,)
ME - Engineer (General - ,)
MI - Engineer (General - ,)
MN - Engineer (General - ,)
MO - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
MO - Engineer (General - ,)
MS - Engineer (General - ,)
MT - Engineer (General - ,)
NC - Engineer (General - ,)
ND - Engineer (Health, Safety & Welfare - ,)
NE - Architect (General, Health, Safety & Welfare)
Accreditation: Vector Solutions is authorized by IACET to offer 0.10 CEUs for this program
NE - Architect (General, Health, Safety & Welfare - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NE - Engineer (General)
Accreditation: Vector Solutions is authorized by IACET to offer 0.10 CEUs for this program
NH - Engineer (General - ,)
NJ - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NJ - Engineer (General - 24GP000006300)
NM - Engineer (General - ,)
NV - Engineer (General - ,)
NY - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
NY - Engineer (General)
Accreditation: Vector Solutions is authorized by IACET to offer 0.1 CEU for this program.
OH - Engineer (General - ,)
OK - Engineer (General - ,)
OR - Engineer (General - ,)
PA - Code Official,Certified (UCC) (General)
PA - Engineer (General - ,)
PR - Engineer (General - ,)
SC - Engineer (General - ,)
SD - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
SD - Engineer (Technical - ,)
TN - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
TN - Engineer (Health, Safety & Welfare - ,)
TX - Contractor, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (General - 28613)
Accreditation: TDLR CE Provider #1041
TX - Engineer (General - ,)
UT - Engineer (General - ,)
VA - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
VA - Engineer (General - ,)
VT - Engineer (General - ,)
WA - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
WI - Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
WI - Engineer (General - ,)
WV - Engineer (General - ,)
WY - Engineer (General - ,)
Professional Organizations
American Academy of Environmental Engineers - AAEES - Member (General - ,)
American Council for Accredited Certification - ACAC - Member (General)
Accreditation: RedVector is an independent course provider not affiliated with the American Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC). ACAC does not develop, accredit or approve training courses, nor does it contract with course providers.
American Hospital Association - AHA - Certified Healthcare Facility Manager (CHFM) (General)
American Institute of Architects - AIA - Architects (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Board of Certified Safety Professionals - BCSP - Certification (General)
BOMI International - RPA, FMA and/or SMA (General)
Building Operator Certification - BOC - Certification (General)
Canada - Alberta Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Alberta Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - British Columbia - Residential Builder (General)
Canada - British Columbia Architect (AIBC) (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - British Columbia Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Manitoba Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Manitoba Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - New Brunswick Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - New Brunswick Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Northwest Territories and Nunavut Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Northwest Territory Architect / Restricted Practitioner (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Nova Scotia Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Nova Scotia Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Ontario Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Ontario Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Prince Edward Island Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Prince Edward Island Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Quebec Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Quebec Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Saskatchewan Architect (General - RV1674-2026)
Accreditation: AIA Registered Provider J315
Canada - Saskatchewan Engineer (General - ,)
Canada - Yukon Engineer (General - ,)
Canadian Registered Safety Professionals - CRSP (Safety)
International Facility Management Association - IFMA - Certified Facility Manager (CFM) (General)
International Maintenance Institute - IMI - Certifications (CMT, CMP, CMM, CWWMT) (General)
International Society of Automation - ISA - Certifications (General)
National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies - NICET (General - ,)
Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists - OACETT - Certified Member (Contribution to Technical Knowledge)