RedVector RV-PGM175

NC Electrician 2017 NEC Changes: Conductors, Wiring Methods, Receptacles and Switches

NC Electrician 2017 NEC Changes: Conductors, Wiring Methods, Receptacles and Switches

2 hrs. Program

Level: Intermediate

Item#: RV-PGM175

SME: Anonymous

This two-part course discusses the 2017 NEC changes regarding conductors and wiring methods as well as receptacles and switches.

Part I   2017 NEC Changes: Conductors and Wiring Methods 
Chapter 3 of the 2017 National Electrical Code contains requirements for conductor sizing and wiring methods. Several changes were made in Article 310 and the articles covering cable and raceway wiring methods [320-399]. In this interactive, online course, we will discuss several changes in Chapter 3 including 310.15(A)(2) Selection of Ampacity, 310.15(B)(3)(c) Raceways and Cables Exposed to Sunlight on Rooftops, and 310.15(B)(7) Single-Phase Dwelling Unit and Feeder Service Conductors. 

Part II   2017 NEC Changes: Receptacles and Switches (RV-11110)

 How important to you are the changes in the 2017 NEC codes for receptacles and switches? In this interactive online course you will get the updates to Chapter 4 of the 2017 NEC, which contains the rules for equipment, including switches and receptacles. Several changes were made in Article 404 for switches and in 406 for receptacles. 

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the changes for conductor ampacity in Article 310
  • Describe the listing requirements for cable wiring methods and the new support rules
  • Explain the new allowances for tray cable
  • Describe the permitted uses for EMT
  • Explain the rules for trimming liquid type flexible metal conduit
  • Understand the requirements for parallel conductors in metal wireways Know the changes for cable tray fill
  • Describe the rules for neutrals at switch locations. 
  • Explain the rules for receptacles with USB chargers. 
  • Explain the rules for receptacles in wet locations. 
  • Identify the locations that require tamper-resistant receptacles.
Courses in this Package
State Licenses
NC - Electrician, Special Restricted Contractors (General - CEC.04878)
NC - Electrician, Unlimited, Intermediate, Limited, Residential Dwelling (General - CEC.04878)