RedVector RV-W081624

08/16/2024: LIVE INTERACTIVE WEBINAR, A Universal Design Approach - Best Practices in Lodging Guest Rooms, Friday, August 16, 2024, 12pm-1pm Eastern

08/16/2024: LIVE INTERACTIVE WEBINAR, A Universal Design Approach - Best Practices in Lodging Guest Rooms, Friday, August 16, 2024, 12pm-1pm Eastern

1 hr. Webinar

Level: Fundamental

Item#: RV-W081624

SME: Rosemarie Rossetti

Universal Design is the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their age, size, ability or disability. There is an increased need for lodging facilities that are accessible due to the aging population and an increase in mobility limitations. Rosemarie Rossetti understands the lodging industry from the perspective of someone who uses a wheelchair. Take a roll with her through lodging guest rooms to see common problems and challenges that design, layout, and materials present to people with disabilities and people of all abilities. Come away with solutions that provide more accessibility, greater independence, and increased safety and comfort for guests. Go beyond the ADA requirements and learn about inclusive design for all guests, regardless of their limitations. The goal of this program is to assist architects, interior design professionals, and engineers as they integrate universal design into their future projects.
Note: This is a live webinar delivered via GoToWebinar. Session instructions will be emailed to you 24-48 hours prior to the webinar and the morning of the webinar. If you have not received your instructions for any reason please call RedVector Client Support (1-866-546-1212) the day of the event. Webinars are live and interactive. Students will have the ability to directly interact with and ask questions of the presenter.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Define universal design and accessible design
  • Recognize problems in existing lodging guest rooms that limit accessibility, independence, safety, and comfort
  • Recognize universal design features in lodging guest rooms that provide for accessibility, independence, safety, and comfort
  • Utilize the latest Americans with Disabilities Act information and regulations regarding the design of lodging guest rooms