RedVector JCOM-40194

Leadership Development: Team Building and Collaboration

Leadership Development: Team Building and Collaboration

0.28 hr. Online Course

Level: Fundamental

Item#: JCOM-40194

SME: Vector Solutions Commercial

What is the best way to build a successful team, and what skills are needed to lead and motivate your team? In this interactive online course, we will discuss critical aspects of team leadership, including creating diverse and inclusive teams, fostering a collaborative culture, tips on mastering delegation techniques, and how to effectively lead remote and hybrid teams.
Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • List four approaches leaders can leverage to create diverse and inclusive teams
  • Recall strategies that leaders or aspiring leaders can use to foster a collaborative culture
  • List three ways leaders can implement more delegation and empowering techniques in the workplace
  • Explain how leaders can motivate and engage team members
  • List six strategies to help lead remote and hybrid teams effectively
SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT: Vector Solutions Commercial