RedVector ST-0005A

Smart Workplaces: Code of Conduct - Ethics Education & Social Media Guidelines

Smart Workplaces: Code of Conduct - Ethics Education & Social Media Guidelines

2 hrs. Online Course

Level: Intermediate

Item#: ST-0005A

SME: Anonymous

At last – a code of conduct educational program that addresses business and organizational ethics that has teeth but doesn’t bite!

While you probably know that having a code of conduct is necessary for your business, you may not know the best ways to impart the rules and make sure they are followed by staff – and you may not know the consequences if they don’t.
A good code of conduct clearly communicates your company’s values and imparts knowledge employees can use to make tough calls with confidence in the gray areas of business. This training presents interactive scenarios and activities that challenge employees to apply company values to ethical dilemmas and to resolve issues.
But just having a code of conduct isn’t enough. You need to track and measure the training’s success to optimize your legal protection!
This course does nothing less than let you ensure that your workforce understands and has electronically agreed to the company’s expectations and standards for appropriate conduct. Its deployment company-wide can help you in the event of a lawsuit by demonstrating that the company took measures to prevent an environment that allowed any form of discrimination.
Course Objectives
When you have completed this course, you will be able to:
  • Describe and understand ways to deal with Code of Conduct violations
  • Identify the ways to properly conduct yourself with company equipment, assets, and customers
  • Identify certain behaviors prohibited by the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and other Company policies, business practices, and procedures
  • Recognize examples of allowed and prohibited behaviors from various hypothetical scenarios
State Licenses
NY - Land Surveyor (General)
Professional Organizations
Association of State Floodplain Managers - ASFPM - Certified Floodplain Manager (Core)
Canadian Registered Safety Professionals - CRSP (General)
Society for Human Resource Management - SHRM - Certified Professional (General - 26-MZZPW )
Soil Science Society of America - SSSA - Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS) (General)