This is a live, repeat presentation of a webinar that was originally offered on 02/06/2024. Attendees of the previously offered presentation, RV-W020624, will not receive CEU for attending the 06/18/2024 presentation.
Prior to the twentieth century, almost all large commercial buildings were constructed using thick exterior walls of masonry that supported most of the entire structure. However, the development of structural steel and reinforced concrete in the late nineteenth century allowed large structures of almost any configuration to be supported by relatively small columns in lieu of walls, and as a result, the exterior walls of buildings were no longer required for structural support. Exterior walls could now be non-load bearing and thus much lighter and more open than the masonry load-bearing walls of the past. This gave way to increased use of a wide variety of lightweight materials in exterior facades, and the modern-day commercial curtain wall was born.
The movement to lightweight curtain walls has dramatically increased the options available to building designers when selecting a suitable exterior wall system. Today, wall systems incorporate a wide variety of materials, including panels of glass and metal as well as thin non-structural veneers of traditional brick and stone. Most recently, exterior insulation finish systems (EIFS) have been developed that provide the appearance of stone or masonry but with increased thermal resistance and significantly reduced weight. All these exterior wall options are also frequently combined, leading to a somewhat confusing mix of materials, construction trades, and design standards. As a result, the specification and selection of a commercial wall system is a complicated affair, requiring an increased understanding of the key functions of curtain wall systems as well as a detailed knowledge of the many different commercial wall system types. This webinar reviews the knowledge base and decision path needed for building professionals to make the best wall system selections for their situations and needs.
Note: This is a live webinar delivered via GoToWebinar. Session instructions will be emailed to you 24-48 hours prior to the webinar and the morning of the webinar. If you have not received your instructions for any reason, please call Customer Support (1-866-546-1212) the day of the event. Webinars are live and interactive. Students will have the ability to interact with and ask questions of the presenter directly.